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Striving for Wellbeing

The meaning of wellbeing is multidimensional, and is comprised of having a balance in these key elements:

  • Physical. This includes lifestyle choices that affect the functioning of our bodies. What we eat and how active we are will affect our physical wellbeing.
  • Emotional or psychological. This is our ability to cope with everyday life and reflects how we think and feel about ourselves.
  • Social. This is the extent that we feel a sense of belonging and social inclusion. The way we communicate with others, our relationships, values, beliefs, lifestyles and traditions are all important factors of social wellbeing.
  • Spiritual. This is the ability to experience and integrate meaning and purpose in life. Achieved through being connected to our inner self, to nature or even a greater power.
  • Intellectual. It is important to gain and maintain intellectual wellness as it helps us to expand our knowledge and skills in order to live an enjoyable and successful life.
  • Economic. Economic wellness, in short, is our ability to meet our basic needs and feel a sense of security.

In our complex world and the challenges faced in daily living, achieving personal well-being can be an ongoing challenge.  Per the “Wellbeing People” website, this can be achieved via these five steps:

Five simple ways to improve our overall wellness are:

  1. Connect – talk and listen to others and always live in the moment.
  2. Be active – do what you can and enjoy what you do. 
  3. Take notice – remember the simple things that give you joy.
  4. Keep learning – embrace new experiences and seek new opportunities.
  5. Give – give people your time, your words and your presence.

For more information, go to: 

Photo:Free Stock photos by Vecteezy

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